Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life Patterns

Life, being an abstract object, is a very complex topic to discuss in terms of conversation, academic paper, research topic, a blog entry, or through any medium communication; why is this so? It is simply because life, from the very start, is unique to everyone. No two persons can share the same life at the same time. Life, as I may define it, is a detailed timeline of events from the moment you are born down to your very last moment. But what I am interested in most is the thing which connects a life to another, how a person lives his/her life and how he/she dictates its direction.

Consider this basic routine. You wake up, eat breakfast, take a quick morning shower, dress up for school or work, brush your teeth, go to school or work, chat with friends, eat lunch, go home, eat dinner, watch a TV program, brush your teeth, and finally go to sleep. Just observe, how big is the possibility that you will do these thing again tomorrow? Sure it wouldn’t be exactly the same; what will be the same is how things work, the pattern of how we do things and how we get the same results every time. Now consider a bigger bracket, it can span from a week’s pattern, a month’s pattern, a year’s pattern, etc.

We live in a world of patterns; patterns are those things that make a thing recognizable and easier to identify. Given this situation, what would you do? Knowing these given, what would be your decision? These are just examples of questions we unconsciously answer by applying the theory of patterns. How do you study for an exam? Let’s say it is a math problem, would you study every possible answer to every unique question? Of course you won’t, you will be studying how things work instead. You apply things on different things depending on your experience on the situation at hand. Training yourself for a ball game and learning different plays in basketball are good examples of situations where we use patterns to our everyday lives.

Now as you may have noticed, patterns may not be seen in a sequence like the daily routine example. It’s true, patterns may occur at different times and in different places but there is no denying the fact that patterns do exist in our lives. Our lives per se is a collection of patterns stitched together forming a unique timeline of events just for you. But do you accept this concept or do you reject it?

Acceptance of the idea would give you a sense of security. You may feel that you have nothing to fear since things you will be experiencing in the future are just altered copies of what you have experienced in the past. However, having this belief would put you in a box bounded by its sides. The thing with patterns is that they repeat themselves. Even your mistakes may be mimicked by these events. Even knowing this, would you still accept that your life is a sequence of patterns?
Rejecting the idea that we live in a sequence of predetermined patterns may cause you some trouble; after all, we could really see that things happen in a patterned way. However, there is this thing called as free will; as a brief definition this is the concept of doing things your own way and deciding your future for yourself not being affected by things such as predetermined fate, the known future, etc. Now we ask ourselves, what is the point of knowing these patterns? Are they really that important?

We have heard of this clichéd phrase many times (hence, clichéd) but I’ll say it again anyway, “History repeats itself”; we, whether we like it or not, experience things that we have experienced before and end up with the same happy or sad ending. We may have encountered many things in life such as problems and blessings; in one way or another, they are just repetitions or branches of what we did in the past. These past experiences may not have started with you, it may have been occurring in your family for generations, such things may simply be inevitable or is bound to happen. Learning to accept or reject this idea is simply up to the person. The real lesson to be learned here is to simply be prepared for the things that may happen that have already occurred before or may occur in the future.

Of course you too can dictate on how these patterns work and how you can use it to your advantage. If the event or experience is not in any way advantageous or beneficial, you could simply overlook it and look at the things which can bring you happiness and satisfaction.

Life is not about how to live it in the most correct way or how to please people by becoming someone who you aren’t. It is about how to live it to the fullest, how to understand the patterns that affect your life and how you can accept them so that you can express yourself to the fullest, you might end up altering these patterns to your liking for all we know.

Thanks for reading and good day.